Thursday, 26 December 2013

To all my rainbow friends whom made 2013 a great and colourful year - Thank You

Thanks you for all the laughs we shared, the tears we cried, the advise you gave, and of cause all the drinking sprees we have had, all much appreciated and followed with a little twitch!! 2013 was good because of all, you are all special in your unique ways. 

May you all SHINE is 2014 and fortune!! Yep, let make it a year to continue growing, spiritually, financially, mentally and career-wise. Be safe, alert and try not to drink and drive. 

2013 Has Taught Me 

1.     No matter how many times my heart was broken, I can still love 
2.     To trust no one. No matter how good or bad someone is, they all have the same ability to break your heart.
3.     To follow my dreams
4.     Life is not fair, but it’s worth living
5.     That I'm better off without all those people I once called friends
6.     Not every battle is worth the fight
7.     To be thankful

8.     Am blessed, highly favoured and God’s strongest soldier

Love Miss J  

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Life Lessons to Live By Daily......

I was going through old emails the other day and I stumbled over these words. So beautiful, so true... I have to share them with you...

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.

You never know who these people may be (possibly your neighbour, professor, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger), but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

Sometime things will happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that, without overcoming these obstacles, you would have never realised your true potential, strength, will power, or heart!

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.

Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people who you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you will become.

Even the bad experiences are learned from. In fact, they are the most poignant ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people who you have never talked to before and actually listen... break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself that you are a great individual and believe in yourself. For if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.

You can make your life anything you wish...Create it and then go out and live it with absolutely NO REGRETS. Most importantly, make sure your family and friends know that you love them, for you NEVER know what tomorrow may have in store.

Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.... Was it worth it?


I love LOVE.... 

I love how it makes me blush, smile, laugh,and warms my heart

Love has its own pro's and cons : It the most wonderful feeling in the world, and sometimes it hurts . It cuts so deep and just when we think we’ll never recover, our heart heals and comes back stronger than ever because the heart can’t help but love. 

Love certainly is the greatest and possibly the most effective motivator. 


You may probably think I’m referring to the kind of love that involves romance because that’s what we've done to love. For the most part, we refer to love as our love life, we've reduced its meaning to the nature of one’s relationship with their significant other. Although that is one of the most important and life-defining relationships any person can ever have, love is much bigger than that relationship. There are so many more things to love about life than just our love life. Reducing this to only one type of love deprives us of living to the fullest and makes one miserable when their relationship status is currently “single”.

How is your love life then?

What do you love about life? 

I love the simplicity that is my life, the joy that is my nieces, and the rock that is my sisters (Bo-sesi). I love my friends and how they are just always there, and from all walks of life and help enrich my journey. I love my family, and the challenges we face together.

At any given point in my life, I deserve a life filled with love and lovely things. I’ve chosen that my love life will always be trending because I LOVE LIFE.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

It's Almost Spring!!!!

Something about the change of season has reminded me:

•             Relax and calm your anxieties
•             Stop pushing for things to happen
•             Stop worrying that things won’t happen
•             Detach from the outcome you so vehemently hold on to
•             What will be, will be
•             Everything has its time and everything has its course

All I can do is try my best

Smile as much I can

Investing my energies into finding humor in situations

And when I decide to loosen my grip on imaginary control, and let life be, and let life breathe – things will magically come together with simplicity

It almost Spring!!!!!

Our lives are shifting. And everything is exactly where it is supposed to be!!!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Weave Miseries…

I commend women who can a wear weave all the time. I really do.

I have some friends whose weaves always look  good, shiny, healthy, natural looking and not a strand out of place no matter the day, time or season!!!!

It seems like the lowest maintenance hairstyle ever…besides a shaved head.
Since I decided to stop wearing relaxers, I figured a weave would help me with the transition. Plus, being as cold as it is, I figured a weave will keep my head warmer than my hair will.
So I went to the saloon, and put on a weave, 14 inch nogal…
2 weeks later, and I’m over it. Maybe I just don’t know how to take care of it, but this weave is tooooo much! For one, it gets tangled from nothing. It’s easy to comb out but who wants to be combing their hair all the time?

Plus it comes out a LOT. My brushes, combs, bedroom and bathroom floors are filled with hair. My brother saw one of my brushes and called me at work to make sure I was okay!

To make matters worse, my scalp itches like nobody’s business, even though I base regularly.
Even worse, the weave is long and has a permanent dent – undoubtedly because of the way I wear my hair at night.
I may not be taking care of it correctly but this weave is a lot of work!!!!
I miss digging my nails into my scalp and running my fingers through my hair and whipping my hair back and forth while dancing around my room and getting dressed in the morning (figure of speech, work with me, I know black hair cannot be whipped back and forth).
I planned to keep this in for about 6-8 weeks, but it’s been 2 weeks and I’m dying!
Honestly though, I think I’m just not taking care of it correctly.
My friends suggested I stop putting oil sheen in it, so I just brush it out in the morning and occasionally curl or flat iron it. At night I gather it in the back, twist it up and put a scarf on. On a rare night, I take the time to wrap it.
Sometimes I like it because I want my hair to be this long, so it’s fun to play pretend. And I think it looks great , but overall I think I need to take it out.

Monday, 29 July 2013

I Got A Job!!!!

Well, apparently, His eyes landed on me finally!!!!

I got a job. In My Field and loving it!!! 

I am so excited, I haven’t stopped smiling inside for months!

Despite all of my incessant whining (and possibly because of it), God saw fit to open the door of all doors for me. It’s as if He took it upon Himself to remind me that there isn’t anything too hard for Him.

It’s weird because this job isn’t even something I applied for. It just fell onto my lap, and I quickly realized that it is the job I have been seeking all along. That’s just like God to do exceedingly and abundantly above all I could ever ask or think!!!

I am finally on the road to a successful career doing something I l-o-v-e. It will be challenging and I have a lot to learn, but I cannot remember the last time I have been THIS excited.

I am going to work SO HARD, my co-workers and my boss aren’t even ready. My boss really took a chance on hiring me and she won’t be disappointed. I’m going to outwork everyone because that is the Miss Jabz way.

Of course sunny days like this aren't without a cloud or two in the sky…. I really wish my parents were still alive. They loved to celebrate things with me. My mom would be telling everyone at work about my new job. She’d would have be called me every minute to see how the new job is going. (*SIGH*) I do believe dead people “look down on us”, my parents are definitely proud of me right now.

I am so overwhelmed with blessings, I can’t help but sing myself to sleep and wake up dancing.

After months (that felt like years) of ridiculousness and disappointment on the job front, I finally have the job of my dreams.

(In my Kanye West voice): This is the life that everybody asks for!!!!

Go meeeeeee!

Thursday, 18 April 2013


"All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love."    Leo Tolstoy

What lessons have you learned from the love in your life?

While lying in bed sleepless a few days ago, I started thinking about a conversation I had with friends ... Both told me to “Never give up on love”. What they are not getting is, I have not given up on love, am just cleaning my flat (read on you will get it.... #wink)..... , and making space for the new tenant. I don’t know how long it will take, all I know I don’t want the new tenant to find it messy…..


 No matter how badly or sadly a relationship ended, there is always something to learn from that experience. Whatever you learned is your gift. Very often a current or past "failure" is what fuels us to the very success that we’ve always dreamed of. Past relationships give us a clearer picture of what we want and what we don't want in a relationship if we only take the time to examine them.

The key is to, “take the time to examine them”.  Whatever we do, we shouldn't move to another relationship until we have performed this examination. Here is a comparison to make my point. When you renting a flat, you are required to pay a refundable deposit fee and you are refunded this deposit if you leave that flat in a good condition. Consider your heart as the flat and your self-esteem and self-worth as the deposit. If you don’t adequately clean your flat (your heart), you will not get the deposit back (your self-esteem and self-worth intact). Renting offices agents would not dare think of renting an office to a new tenant without first cleaning it up, cleaning out and refurbishing that space. Do the same for your heart; clear away the debris of pain, disappointment, anger, fear, etc. before inviting another guest to occupy your heart.

Now let’s get back to failed relationships as gifts.

One gift a failed relationship can give you is the power of contrast. If you can muster the strength and courage to let go of an unfulfilling relationship, you will soon see just how much precious time and energy you were wasting on something from which you were not reaping any reward.

Another gift a failed relationship can give you is the power of vision. By finally realizing what you don’t want in a partner, you can focus on building your vision of what you do want in a partner. You can now focus on what points of compatibility you desire in a partner.

For the gift of a failed relationship to really be useful, you must decide to bless the relationship and let it go to make room for the type of partner you desire and also to free your previous partner to find a more appropriate mate. In reality, there are no “failed” relationships. Begin to view past relationships as incredible gifts; some relationships offer more incredible gifts than others but gifts nonetheless. As the saying goes, people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

We may never understand or know why we were in a particular relationship. We may never understand or know why people come into our lives and then leave. What I've learned is that if a relationship isn't working, it is not a bad thing or a failure as I believed. It is merely that you, and perhaps the other person have learned what it is that you were supposed to learn by being in a relationship with that other person and it's time to move on to other "lessons."

The purpose of all relationships is to help us to grow--personally and spiritually. Even the most painful and ugly relationships can be gifts in learning more about ourselves, strengthening of our intuition and learning to accept the truth when we see it. The greatest gift of a past relationship is that you now know what you really want in a mate. So instead of looking at a relationship that didn't work out the way you had hoped as a failure, I suggest you look at it for the gift that it is.

Monday, 8 April 2013


There is so much I am aiming for in my life, often with so little time to get it all in one bag. I am constantly on a chase against time. There is no time for games, I am on the ball.
While I am rushing, I sometimes forget or lose sight of the most important things. I forget that there is one person who holds time in his hands. There is one who is completely in control regardless of how in control I may think I am. That one person is the great I AM. In this case, he becomes “I AM TIME”.

He calls us to seek him FIRST and with that comes all the other things that we will ever need (Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and ALL these things shall be added unto you.”) The “All” is inclusive of the very things I consider important and are pursuing with everything within me. God is on my side, he wants to bless me with ALL these things. He is like a proud father who takes pride in the success of his child. I have to remember that he cares about every business in my life; he does call me the apple of his eye after all.

What does this mean, do I seek him and then seat back and relax. What it means is this- while I seek him, he guides and leads me into my promised land. Each and every one of us has a “promised land”, that which we desire, our destinations.

MY God is very meticulous, has great attention to detail; very careful and precise and leaves no stone unturned. That is how God works in my lives when he is allowed room. He knows the end from the beginning while I have limited insight. I can never outdo God in this. From the beginning of time, he knew it all and the best way to do things in my life is through his wisdom.

I have discovered that whenever I lose focus and pursue my dreams without God, I end up very frustrated with no peace of any sort, let alone achieving the desired outcome. 

On the other hand, when I seek God and operate from his wisdom, I find that I can go a long mile without losing my peace. Because I now know this, whenever I feel out of sync, I check my relationship with the one who holds the key to my success. If out of place, I reconnect and keep moving.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A journey through the life of an Academic

                A journey through the life of an Academic

Sibusiso Moloi

Sibusiso Moloi an emblematic boy from Soweto registered for Bsc in Animal Health Studies for the academic year 2007. In 2011 he graduated top of his class with cum laude. He then enrolled for Honours, specialising in Animal Nutrition.  He added another cum laude to his acolades.  Moloi is currently doing his final year in Masters, still willing to push through all the way to PhD, given the opportunity, of course.

With his profound love / zest for animals, it’s no wonder this young man from Soweto has decided to dedicate his life to academia. Moloi's focus is not only on books. He has contributed in extra academia contributions such as; being a Supplementary Instructor (SI) Leader since 2010 to 2011, a peer mentor from 2012 to date, also a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society which focuses on scholastic achievements and excellence.

Even through a series of challenges Sibusiso hasn’t backed down from a fight for his education. Through the 2008 strike, to the loss of his mother early 2012. Today he dedicates his honours qualification to his mother’s memory. To cope with his loss, he put more focus on his academic activities. Now he appreciates the NWU Mafikeng campus:It gives you the platform to grow, with not too much pressure at that. As compared top universities like if I studied in Johannesburg, I just can’t imagine the kind of pressure I would be in by now”. He says with a little chuckle. All of us might not be destined to being academics, but he has set the bar too high. Hoping that his fellow students, will soon follow through.  
               Article published in :The Album "NWU- Mafikeng"

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

To my beautiful Niece on her 4th birthday

Hey Kgatontle My Doll! Today is your fourth birthday. When did you get to be such a big girl...really time flies. I remember that day when you were just born and see now you are a big girl.I can still recall the moment I got the news of your birth. I was not there but I felt like the happiest aunt on earth.
My dear #MissKgato ! You are the most special child to me .Maybe because you are the eldest baby at our home .You are the one who filled my heart with so much happiness, laughter and love. No matter how far we are, my love to you will always remain the same, you’ll always be close to my heart, you’ll always be my bestest friend...
I still remember your first sight, your first smile , your first word and your first crawl .  
Few lines for you on your special day-
It’s your birthday
And I’d like to say
I wish you great health
I wish you wealth
I wish you happiness
A day you will enjoy
with friends and loved ones
May God always protect you!!!!!

Lots of Love Aunty Jabz