Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Battling with myself: What I know vs What I Feel

Lately living with me has been a battle... all things happening at once:

This is what I KNOW and not what I FEEL at this moment L  - I KNOW

I’m strong, happy, satisfied, successful, loving, kind, giving, serene, joyful and on the right path so I will let the emotions run their course, do their work and lay the demons to rest. It’s a moment to exercise some patience with myself - a chance to be kind and let myself cry on my own shoulder. Lord knows I need my own pity party.

This is how I Feel - I am experiencing every negative emotion known to mankind right now .I am angry, disappointed, hateful, revengeful, frustrated, sad, anxious, battered, lost, grieving... I am human..... I am allowed to...

One thing is certain, the road I am on, the lessons am learning, will forever be grateful for them

1 comment:

  1. At times I feel as if pain is just a reminder that we are still alive
    But pain goes too deep and penetrates the most private corridors of our souls
    Even though we know it wont last, it leaves behind scares to remind us of its terror
    We can't bow to it but we can learn from it
    Being prepared for it is as impossible as finding a "Mogodu tine stuff"
    But knowing it is only temporal gives us hope and strength to move on.
